Tall Armenian Tale


The Other Side of the Falsified Genocide


  WAILS of the Armenians  
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Mahmut Ozan
Edward Tashji
Sam Weems

 So who gets the prize as the most Armenian butt-kissing nation? Of course, it's hard to beat the "Number One" status of the United States, with over a million Armenian colonists ... as Richard Hovannisian made reference in his "The Republic of Armenia"... working more efficiently than a termite colony to undercut Turkish interests with their millions and millions of dollars (and getting a 10-to-1 return on their investment from U.S. politicians in their pockets, skimming some 1.5 billion dollars from American taxpayers over the last decade). Then there's France, making no secret of oo-la-la'ing their formerly disloyal legionnaires, with half a million diasporans securely nestled in.

I don't know what the Armenian diasporan (I think I made up that word) presence is in this other contender I have in mind... but I have a feeling their numbers aren't that plentiful. I think some people of this region are batty over the Armenians out of emotional reasons than anything else.

And, no, I'm not talking about Boston, Massachusetts... the part of the world I have in mind is Wales.

Granted, some residents of this United Kingdom principality might feel  they have an obligation to uphold the proud tradition of David Lloyd George, a Welshman who gave William Gladstone a run for his money as the most Turk-hating prime minister ever in British history. Perhaps some Welsh folk also feel they should live up to Lawrence of Arabia, a Welshman who stirred up serious trouble for the Turks, already attacked from all sides.

Regardless, whenever I encounter the typical anti-Turkish rhetoric and sense the degree of emotionalism is higher than usual, I'm not surprised when the speaker turns out to be Welsh.

I first ran into this "phenomenon" when I discovered two of the worst pharisees I've ever encountered regarding the Armenian "Genocide," Mike Joseph and Jenny Randerson, the latter identified as "the leading figure on behalf of Armenian Genocide Recognition in Wales." They likely have a hand in CRAG (Campaign for Recognition of the Armenian Genocide, described as "a single-issue pressure group," whose "central aim is to secure official British Government recognition of the Armenian W.W.I experience as genocide." (I covered these two in the "Apologist" page during the early days of TAT's construction... before deciding to devote an entire section to "Genocide Scholars," and other apologists. When their names come up again below, I'll be repeating some of my previous assertions.)



A Welsh Assembly Member


It should come as no surprise that Welsh governmental representatives would be getting into the act, catering to their hysterical constituents. And nothing helps a politician better than to side with a "moral" issue... after all, who can argue with the Armenian "Genocide," where everyone knows the defenseless, innocent Christian Armenians were at the mercy of the all-powerful, sadistic Turks.

Well, here's a fellow who really puts his heart into the matter!

West Welsh Assembly Member Cynog Dafis

Cynog Dafis 

     His name is Cynog Dafis, and he just repeats the typical propaganda without giving a thought as to the validity of his sources. Can't he use his intelligence to stop and consider the other side of the story? It's almost as if he has "artificial" intelligence, when it comes to this highly-charged topic... perhaps as if he's been "programmed," or something. Could his unusual first name have been derived from the word "Cyborg"?

The photograph appears to be a posed, official one, and not one taken candidly and therefore deliberately unflattering. I guess he was trying to go for the effect of a no-nonsense, "I mean business, so you had bloody watch out" type. However, I'm getting the impression that he's coming across as befuddled, and disturbed; in other words, his appearance —  in my eyes — does not exude the image of a cool, collected individual.

I wonder when he was younger, whether he looked kind of like the boy on the right.... I wouldn't be surprised if some referred to him as "Malcontent in the Middle."



What is below refers to the discussion on this page. Let's get on with business, and tackle what really matters... The issues.


Cyborg, "the Terminator," in Action


Cynog Dafis often enjoys backing up his position by referring to British sources, knowing that the nation where he resides would more easily accept these sources as legitimate. Following in that pattern, I will also concentrate on British sources.

He begins his case by putting on the table what he considers convincing evidence.


A year earlier, an exhibition was held there of the shocking pictures taken by Armin Wegner, which form a key part of the evidence for the genocide.

If the photographs of Armin Wegner constitute such key evidence, no wonder the pro-Armenians are worried. That only goes to show the utter lack of genuine evidence for the so-called genocide, which defines a systematic extermination plan against a people, like what the Nazis did to the Jews. Wegner's photographs — which cannot be verified, according to Stutgart's Schiller-Nationalmuseum Deutsches Literaturarchiv (the German museum where the originals are stored; the director explained, when asked by a reporter from ATA-USA Magazine: "Unfortunately, we do not have any indication regarding when or in what country the Wegner photographs were taken. As a result, the dating, and sites depicted must be determined by whoever uses the photos''), only show suffering people, along with a few corpses. The "Sick Man of Europe" was a graveyard, with pro-Armenian Ambassador Morgenthau stating in his phony, ghostwritten book that thousands of Turks were dying daily, estimating a quarter of the Empire's Muslim population was lost to famine.

Between 1894 and 1896, for example, over 100,000 Armenians were killed by special forces on the sultan's orders.

"Agitation and terror were needed to elevate the spirit of the people. The (Hunchak) party aimed at terrorizing the Ottoman Government, thus contributing toward lowering the prestige of that regime and working toward its complete disintegration." Wrote Prof. Louise Nalbandian in "Armenian Revolutionary Movement," 1963; "Terrorism has, from the beginning, been adopted by the Dashnak Committee of the Caucasus, as a policy.... in their program adopted in 1892 …Method No 11 is: 'To subject the government institutions to destruction and pillage'," wrote K.S. Papazian in "Patriotism Perverted," 1934. These and other "Ku Klux Klan" type Armenian terrorist organizations sprang forth since the 1870s, led by fanatical leaders whose purpose was to incite Muslim populations in order for Armenians to be massacred, calling in the imperialist Christian powers to help them carve out territory... in similar vein of Balkan possessions, swept by nationalism, that were finding independence throughout the 19th century. Like the 1915 period, there is absolutely no proof of any extermination policy. The British Consul at Erzurum (in British author C.F. Dixon's 1916 The Armenians, pg. 61) said "not one Armenian would have been killed" had Armenian revolutionary committees not incited the people to revolt." British Captain C. B. Norman asserted in "The Armenians Unmasked" (1895) that only one-tenth of the Armenian Patriarch's estimate was true, and that "none of these (massacre) stories have been corroborated by a single European eye-witness." An objective estimate of Armenian mortality of the period could not have exceeded 20,000 (which is a tenth of the typical claim of Armenian losses during this period — Cyborg earns points by not going overboard, here —, while others prefer to believe 300,000 and over; the more the casualties, the greater the "sympathy"), while 5,000 Turkish lives were lost, and are never referred to by these hypocrites


In 1915 there were 2 million Armenians living in Turkey: 10 per cent of the country's population. During 1915, 1.5 million of them were killed, and the majority of the rest was taken away. In May 1918, as the Turkish army made an eastward incursion, a further 100,000 were killed.

Isn't it amazing how Cyborg is so programmed, he mechanically repeats the typical Armenian propaganda? If this is an indication of how he conducts his research in matters affecting West Wales, blatantly considering only one side of an issue, then woe to the voters who brought him into office.

Over a dozen pre-war "neutral" (Western, and really pro-Armenian) estimates ranged from 1 million (Arnold Toynbee in his 1915 work, "Nationalism and the War," shortly before he joined his government's propaganda division, and the 1912 Blue Book) to 1.6 million (Armenian Patriarch Ormanian and the Turk-hating Lepsius), with the Ottoman census settling at the median, 1.3 million. Only Armenians offer figures nearing 2 million and over. The Armenians also admit 1 million survived (Boghos Nubar and Istanbul's Armenian Patriarch in 1921; Peter Balakian [along with his main squeal, Silly Samantha Power] in a Jan. 20, 2004 New York Times letter); Subtract 1 million from 1 to 1.6 million, and there is the real figure of Armenian casualties from all causes combined, mainly famine, disease and combat… and not simply massacres. Cynog Dafis's mathematics tells us 1.6 million died, more Armenians than existed, leaving 400,000 survivors… less than half of what even the Armenians concede survived.

David Lloyd George's bitterly ironic words, had been 'simplified'…

Lloyd George offered worse bitter words, such as "The Turks are a human cancer," following in the proud footsteps of William Gladstone's appalling racism. Lloyd George, who hoped to wipe the Turkish nation off the face of the post war world via the Sevres Treaty, is not a legitimate witness... any more than blacks and Jews would champion David Duke to speak objectively with their interests in mind.

When Kemal Ataturk came to power in 1920, the work, of destroying every trace of the Armenians' heritage, including architectural masterpieces, libraries, archives, and entire cities and villages continued just as systematically-destroying 3,000 years of history.

Coming across these sorts of claims only produces deep sighs within me, as they are mindlessly repeated everywhere... and I just accept it as a fact of life, in our bigoted Western world. However... how dare Cyborg make such defamatory charges? especially if he's ever cornered to present the proof of such ugly words, we all know he won't be able to come up with anything... at least not regarding the "systematic" end. Shameful.

Quite the contrary, Atatürk was magnanimous toward the Armenians, as evidenced by Article 3 of the Treaty of Gümrü, signed on December 2, 1920 between Turkey and Armenia, allowing the relocated Armenians to return to their lands… something even their Russian "allies" did not allow, according to "Article 17" of Dennis Papazian's "What Every Armenian Should Know." The true picture of systematic destruction was evidenced by genuine and pro-Armenian American eyewitnesses Niles and Sutherland in 1919, researching for the pro-Armenian Near East Relief: "In the entire region from Bitlis through Van to Bayezit we were informed that the damage and destruction had been done by the Armenians... the Armenians are accused of having committed murder, rape arson and horrible atrocities of every description upon the Musulman population..."

"The testimony was absolutely unanimous and was corroborated by material evidence... Villages said to have been Armenian were still standing whereas Musulman villages were completely destroyed."

Whrr... Click... Must... Destroy... Whrr... Click...


What is the evidence that all this happened? … There were eyewitnesses among American diplomats and missionaries. Articles were published in the western press, and the Governments of Britain, France and Russia issued a warning to Turkey that members of its Government would be held accountable for the events.

This leads us to conclude there was no evidence, whatsoever. The described "eyewitnesses" never witnessed any massacres. Bigoted diplomats mainly listened to stories of the missionaries and their Armenian assistants; if one reads missionary prayers of the period, regarding the heathen Turks as the enemy, they felt it was their Godly duty to do anything but love their neighbor. As war correspondent George Schreiner detailed in "The Craft Sinister" (1920), true accounts could not be sent through the censors, as propaganda demanded the Turks be depicted as monsters. The Western press whole-heartedly vilified the Turks, and even the Germans refused to print the truth, religious sympathizers having gained the Kaiser's ear. Britain, France and Russia also conducted secret treaties during the war to carve the carcass of the Ottoman Empire, and their issuance of a warning only served their own opportunistic interests. (Branding one a criminal justifies the confiscation of one's property.)

In February 1916, the historian Arnold Toynbee and others were commissioned by the British government to collect the evidence and publish it in a parliamentary blue book.

Not very honest of Cyborg! Note his general term of nobility implied in "British government," when not all branches of government operate under the same principles of ethics. We don't always equate the KGB's misdeeds with the Kremlin, or the CIA's dirty tricks with Congress... any more than we would put Britain's figurative government, Buckingham Palace, with the underhanded antics of Wellington House; the British must have been ashamed enough of this division to destroy it after the war. In fact, by the time WWII rolled around, the British were caught unprepared in the propaganda business, and had to learn from scratch.

Lord Bryce

Toynbee's boss, Lord Bryce, a decade prior to his official propaganda stint, in 1905 

Toynbee later half-apologized for his distortions, going so far as comparing the Ottoman Empire as coming nearest the ideals of Plato's Republic. His "Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire" from 1916 are filled with falsehoods, such as there having been no revolt in Van. The young historian was hired by Wellington House's Lord Bryce, who himself admitted the evidence in these propagandistic books bore no judicial significance. These works were thoroughly discredited after the war, and the British even apologized to Germany in 1936 for the lies relating to the Germans in these "colored" books. It is a sin to refer to such blatant propaganda in this day and age as actual evidence… what Great Britain should be doing is apologize to the Turks for slandering their honorable image with these racist books, books that are still continuing their evil work today.

You will have noticed the chilling similarity between these events and the philosophy behind them, and what the Nazis did to the Jews a quarter of a century later. According to Michael Joseph, who has studied the history, this was no coincidence. Rather, the lessons of the Armenian genocide were brought back to Germany by soldiers who joined the Nazis on returning from Turkey, and were applied to Adolf Hitler's project.

Mike Joseph

A (geno)Side of Mike Joseph

Anyone who studies only one side of history, and a distorted one at that, lacks credibility — and Mike Joseph is one such individual. How many of the 12,800 German military personnel stationed in the Ottoman Empire during WWI, a quarter-century prior to Hitler's 1939 speech, went on to become the "leading Nazi criminals," as Joseph attested elsewhere? (Many were stationed at the West in Gallipoli, away from the Armenian events.) Who among them rose to become Hitler's associates, in a position to be able to influence Hitler's mind? The main example Joseph provides is Max Erwin von Scheubner Richter.... a Vice Consul in the Ottoman Empire who later led the SA and was shot dead in 1923. He had said "The Armenians of Turkey for all practical purposes have been exterminated," but as a consul he relied on the same distorted information as other diplomats, and was in no position to know; history proved him wrong, since the majority (one million) survived… according to the Armenians themselves.

Joseph also indulges in questionable history; he is known to have said, "Versions of (Hitler's) speech were also taken in evidence at the Nuremberg Trials." The Nuremberg Tribunal accepted two versions of this Hitler talk, USA-29 and USA-30, and neither text contained the quote; they refused to approve a third version, contrary to the impression Mike Joseph attempted to give elsewhere that the Hitler quote was accepted at Nuremberg. He even fantasizes over a "Turkish Wannsee Conference, a secret gathering of 75 top leaders in Istanbul on February 26, 1915 to finalise the operational plan for the solution to the Armenian Question." If the meeting was secret, how could Mike Joseph have been privy to the details? That is just the kind of proof genocide advocates can use to close the book on the topic… however, the debate goes on.

Hitler said: 'Who, after all, talks nowadays of the annihilation of the Armenians?'

If not for this alleged quote from "a man whose opinions are now in utter disrespect" (quoting Prof. Türkkaya Ataöv), it would appear the pro-genocide forces would have no evidence at all. Unfortunately for them, the records have been scrutinized, and nobody has conclusively proven this "detestable piece of propaganda" (quoting again) was ever uttered.

Does This "Terminator" Come From... the Past?

 Who recognises this indisputable genocide? We will start close to home. Throughout the first world war, Aneurin Williams, a Welsh Member of Parliament … drew the Foreign Office's attention to the threat, and then the reality, of a massacre in Turkey... Jenny Randerson... Rhodri Morgan ...

There is no end to the list of emotional, lazy-thinking people who only prefer to study one side of a story provided by propagandists. Unfortunately, these opinions cannot substitute for actual proof; the evidence is so lacking that this so-called genocide can be called anything but "indisputable."

The campaign to encourage more people to recognise the genocide is ongoing. Over 100 parliaments, regional assemblies, and local councils have already done so.

The fact that politicians throughout the world, guided by the disproportionate wealth of the Armenian Diaspora in their countries, in addition to the politicians' own bigotry and lack of historical knowledge, vote for meaningless resolutions means nothing… as far as proving this alleged genocide.

Jenny Randerson said that representatives of the Turkish Government brought pressure to bear on her to be silent after she spoke out on this issue.

What government of any nation would target the rantings of an obscure individual so far from home? Exactly what form did this alleged "pressure" take? Did she receive a nasty letter? Or did the brutal guard from "Midnight Express" pay her a visit at home?

These countries (Britain, the United States and Germany) refuse to acknowledge that what was suffered by the Armenians was genocide. …They should be ashamed of themselves — that is what I call double standards.

That's rich. He's telling us about shame.

And how would Cynog Dafis characterize turning a completely blind eye to the over one-half million Turks who were systematically slaughtered by the Armenians, out of a total toll of 2.75 million Turks/Muslims, while the able-bodied Turkish men were desperately needed at the multiple fronts accosting their country? (Supporting these numbers was a British colonel's report that the Armenians "massacred between 300,000 and 400,000 Kurdish Muslims in the Van and Bitlis districts," 12.9.1919, U.S. Archives 184.021/265.) These Armenian criminal acts were what The Jewish Times found in 1990 to be the true analogy to the Holocaust.

Valuing the suffering of one people at the expense of another is immoral.

It Doesn't Matter If He'll "Be Back"... There are Plenty of Other Terminators to Take His Place.


The Republic of Armenia, which is situated to the east of Turkey, used to be part of the former Soviet Union, and it is being blockaded by Turkey.

The reason for that blockade was the sneak and sudden 1992 attack by (Russian and American financed) Armenians upon Azerbaijanis while many slept, resulting in the murders of thousands, a million refugees and the taking away of 15-20% of Azerbaijani territory that the United Nations condemned. At least the Assembly Member is consistent in refusing to acknowledge the suffering of others, while holding Armenian victimhood on a pedestal.

We must have general acknowledgement of the truth of what happened in Armenia in order to begin to right these appalling wrongs.

He has finally said something we can all agree upon. However, the truth can only be determined by examining all sides of a story, without prejudice. That is what the British attempted during the Malta Tribunal at war's end, desperately seeking to convict almost 150 Ottoman officials during a nearly two-and-one-half year process. The British were still feverishly trying by mid-1921 when they even resorted to their own Washington embassy in search of legitimate evidence. After examining the most "useful" of "reports from the United States consuls on the subject of the atrocities committed on the Armenians during the recent war," their embassy partly replied (July 13, 1921):

I regret to inform your Lordship that there was nothing therein which could be used as evidence against the Turks who are being detained for trial in Malta. …(T)he accounts given were confined to the personal opinions of the writers; no concrete facts being given which could constitute satisfactory incriminating evidence.

Every single Turk was freed. None of the missionary, consular or "the overwhelming evidence included in the parliamentary blue book, which was prepared by Arnold Toynbee and the British Government" (as Cynog Dafis naively stated in his reply to Carwyn Jones) could be accepted. Then as now, there were simply no "concrete facts" that are essential before convicting anyone of any crime.



Cynog "Cyborg" Dafis' opponent from the page we've been examining, Carwyn Jones, at least serves as a voice of reason, attempting to calm the dogma that pervades Mr. Dafis. However, note how carefully Carwyn Jones sidesteps this monkey trial. He is careful to acknowledge the massacres, as he should (since nobody is denying massacres took place), and even pays lip service to the so-called genocide. As a politician, he's probably wary of being in the unpopular position of one defending propaganda or kiddie porn... shielding himself from the hysterical outcries of those who could later attack, shrieking, "How could you be defending the perpetrators of a genocide? It's denialists like you who make future genocides possible!" However, Carwyn Jones has cleverly covered himself... he can point to the transcript and say, but, Look! I said there might have been a genocide, didn't I?

Yes, it's not a pretty position, to be branded as a despicable criminal... especially when the "evidence" from lazy-thinking bigots amounts to nothing.

Questions to consider:

1) If the Turks truly desired to exterminate the Armenians, how could one million have survived?

2) Why would the bankrupt "Sick Man" have spent the equivalent of today's millions of dollars to relocate the Armenians, when they could have killed the Armenians on the spot, as the Armenians did with the Turks?

3) What did the official Ottoman documents state… and why were all concerned with the safeguarding of Armenians? Were these orders issued during the chaos of war simply to fool future historians?

4) If an extermination order was given, distributed and to be obeyed in the far corners of the Empire, why hasn't a copy survived? And what of the countless sub-orders that would have been necessary, to fine-tune such a huge operation?

5) Why were 200,000 Ottoman-Armenians from the east and other Armenians such as the non-Orthodox and the sick, exempted?

6) Why were Turks who committed crimes against the Armenians tried and some even executed during the war?

However, please do not ask these questions to Cyborg, as he might experience a short-circuit. (Z-z-z-z-z-tt! Smoke.)








"West" Accounts


Armenian Views
Geno. Scholars


Turks in Movies
Turks in TV


This Site

...Is to expose the mythological “Armenian genocide,” from the years 1915-16. A wartime tragedy involving the losses of so many has been turned into a politicized story of “exclusive victimhood,” and because of the prevailing prejudice against Turks, along with Turkish indifference, those in the world, particularly in the West, have been quick to accept these terribly defamatory claims involving the worst crime against humanity. Few stop to investigate below the surface that those regarded as the innocent victims, the Armenians, while seeking to establish an independent state, have been the ones to commit systematic ethnic cleansing against those who did not fit into their racial/religious ideal: Muslims, Jews, and even fellow Armenians who had converted to Islam. Criminals as Dro, Antranik, Keri, Armen Garo and Soghoman Tehlirian (the assassin of Talat Pasha, one of the three Young Turk leaders, along with Enver and Jemal) contributed toward the deaths (via massacres, atrocities, and forced deportation) of countless innocents, numbering over half a million. What determines genocide is not the number of casualties or the cruelty of the persecutions, but the intent to destroy a group, the members of which are guilty of nothing beyond being members of that group. The Armenians suffered their fate of resettlement not for their ethnicity, having co-existed and prospered in the Ottoman Empire for centuries, but because they rebelled against their dying Ottoman nation during WWI (World War I); a rebellion that even their leaders of the period, such as Boghos Nubar and Hovhannes Katchaznouni, have admitted. Yet the hypocritical world rarely bothers to look beneath the surface, not only because of anti-Turkish prejudice, but because of Armenian wealth and intimidation tactics. As a result, these libelous lies, sometimes belonging in the category of “genocide studies,” have become part of the school curricula of many regions. Armenian scholars such as Vahakn Dadrian, Peter Balakian, Richard Hovannisian, Dennis Papazian and Levon Marashlian have been known to dishonestly present only one side of their story, as long as their genocide becomes affirmed. They have enlisted the help of "genocide scholars," such as Roger Smith, Robert Melson, Samantha Power, and Israel Charny… and particularly  those of Turkish extraction, such as Taner Akcam and Fatma Muge Gocek, who justify their alliance with those who actively work to harm the interests of their native country, with the claim that such efforts will help make Turkey more" democratic." On the other side of this coin are genuine scholars who consider all the relevant data, as true scholars have a duty to do, such as Justin McCarthy, Bernard Lewis, Heath Lowry, Erich Feigl and Guenter Lewy. The unscrupulous genocide industry, not having the facts on its side, makes a practice of attacking the messenger instead of the message, vilifying these professors as “deniers” and "agents of the Turkish government." The truth means so little to the pro-genocide believers, some even resort to the forgeries of the Naim-Andonian telegrams or sources  based on false evidence, as Franz Werfel’s The Forty Days of Musa Dagh. Naturally, there is no end to the hearsay "evidence" of the prejudiced pro-Christian people from the period, including missionaries and Near East Relief representatives, Arnold Toynbee, Lord Bryce, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and so many others. When the rare Westerner opted to look at the issues objectively, such as Admirals Mark Bristol and Colby Chester, they were quick to be branded as “Turcophiles” by the propagandists. The sad thing is, even those who don’t consider themselves as bigots are quick to accept the deceptive claims of Armenian propaganda, because deep down people feel the Turks are natural killers and during times when Turks were victims, they do not rate as equal and deserving human beings. This is the main reason why the myth of this genocide has become the common wisdom.